jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013

how yo rhyme in a poem.

An easy way to find rhymes is in your head. First figure out what sound a word ends with. If the word is cat, the sound it ends with is “at”. Once you know what sound a word ends with, try adding new beginnings to the word. For example, how many words can you think of at end with the sound “at”?
Try thinking of every letter in the alphabet, and adding “at” to it. You will come up with a list that includes batdatfatgathatjat, and so on. Some of these aren’t real words (such as “dat”, “gat” and “jat”), but many of them are, including “cat”, “fat”, and “hat”.
Another way to find words that rhyme is with a rhyming dictionary. In your rhyming dictionary, you would look up “at”, and it would give you a complete list of all words that end with the “at” sound.

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